Who We Are:

George McDonald and Ed O’Brien met 3 years ago, and have been working together since then in the employee benefits arena.  While working together that realized that as the cost of Rx continue to rise and drive up healthcare costs, there were no comprehensive Rx management programs to help control the spiraling costs. Two years ago, George and Ed begin researching potential solutions that could address the increasing utilization and cost of medications.  

In 2016 George and Ed piloted our PPrx branded program which included Pharmacogenetic testing. Since that time PPrx has expanded the programs and solutions to have more comprehensive offering. In 2017 they formed Personalized Precision Rx, LLC (PPrx) an Rx management company.

Ed O’Brien has over thirty years of insurance and third party administration (TPA) experience.  After 20 years of senior management experience, Ed started Creative Plan Administrators in 2005, a TPA now located in downtown Hartford.

George has been in the medical field over 25 years. He was the director of national accounts for one of the largest generic pharmaceutical firms in the world. His background includes an understanding of the pharmaceutical and medical lab testing owning his own marketing company in that field.


Why Us:  

Our combined expertise puts us in a unique position to create solutions to address the increasing Rx costs. These innovative programs assist employers and employees navigating through this prescription crisis.

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